Healing in the Field

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Shame has been described as one of the Universal Core Wounds of humanity. It comes from a deep sense of unworthiness and in in my opinion, a deep fear of the unknown.

Can you see the shame projected out in the world today? Can you remember a time where there was no shaming?

Ask yourself this question, ”Am I shaming people, for what they think, believe, say? How they act, their decisions? Have I dumped family and friends for the decisions they made, whether they were based in fear or based in common sense?”

Do I shame myself? My body, my bank account, my relationships, my life choices, my past? Shame also shows in the world as us scrambling on to the next thing - the perfect ideal.

It does not matter what side you are on in this Great Division humanity is experiencing, it’s about what your are vibrating - the quality of your resonance. What is triggering you to shame others or yourself?

I LOVE this comedy troupe in the video below! It says it all. How easily we can be ruled by the pious, (you know, when we don’t do things for “the good of all.”) when we vibrate shame. (this is one of the funniest sketches I think I’ve ever seen)


Love and Acceptance - Universal Love - A Grace Field Transmission Series

Transmuting Shame and Claiming Worthiness

For those that would like to go deeper and learn how to flow their energy/emotions, instead of suffering within them, I’m creating a new series that will take participants deeper into their energetic wound of Shame. These simple tools I will teach you, can be applied to any slow, bad feeling emotion we experience.

Sound daunting? Believe it or not, this wound is your doorway to more light and freedom. Acceptance and Love are right there.

How much are you accepting of someone else’s decision? Can you love the tyrants? Can you love those lost in the mass media story? Can you love those on the other side of that? Can you get to any kind of acceptance of what is happening and stay loving and kind?

It’s not always easy! Unfortunately, when our small-self nature (mind) has us by the short n’ curlies we view life through the lens of a shadow energy. It doesn’t feel good here.

OK, I’m NOT talking about rolling over and being a doormat to what is going on. I’m talking about your inner energy and where you are finding yourself right now. How do you general feel lately? Want to feel better?

This has NOTHING to do with working on shame, or processing your issues. Your hands will be held by the energies of Grace, while you journey within towards your light and inner strength. A light witnessing is usually all it takes.

This series will include:

3 - Universal Love Grace Field Transmissions

3 - Group Sessions (private sessions can be booked with an extra cost)

The series will run for three weeks. Each week will include 1 Transmission and 1 Group Session.

Stay tuned for details.

Love Catherine