Healing in the Field

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The Sacred Doorway - NEW Transmission

“Enter into the vast, magical fields of Grace Consciousness. Bathe in faster moving light frequencies. Immerse yourself in the wisdom, humour, power and the freedom of the Expanded, Unlimited You; the part of you that doesn’t suffer.”

NEW! The Sacred Doorway

A Grace Healing Field Transmission

Hello everyone! How are you?

This Grace Healing Field Transmission downloaded really fast. I wrote it, refined it, got it all together on my website, within the hour. Usually a sign something wonderful and mystical is occuring.

Our test run was interesting and powerful. Personally I haven’t experienced a session that strong ever. It felt like my heart completely took over and I saw what a lovely, mystical, healing tool it was. Isn’t it great when we experience that which we only knew as a concept before?

This heart opening didn’t go away. I love when that happens. The more I feel a deeper sense of Love for all, the less daunting all this worldly stuff is.

It’s always been about the Heart hasn’t it? Warming up within. Getting lighter and more aligned with our inner energy, our multi-dimensional natures. The heart is a Celestial Gateway to the inner multi-dimensional worlds.

I don’t know about you, but with everything happening in this world, as the dark shadow surfaces and we get to see ‘where we and others have been all along’, the only place for me to go is deeper into this center.

Letting go completely, and I mean completely, to everything I’m attached to. My new mantra is….”the more restrictive this world gets, the more I move into my heart and into the deep, unending Love, that radiates from my True, Inner Self - thanks!”

Contrast can be a friend, if we choose to make it one.

The Sacred Doorway, Grace Field, helps us to experience our hearts and the wonderful energy of our eternal self. We’ll clear out the clouds that shadow the heart and let ourselves drop deep into this soft, powerful space.

These sessions (Grace Fields and Guided Meditations) are gifting us with a stronger sense of our True Expanded Self and grounding us more and more into this light.

One participant told me on the phone - “these sessions are the glue that is holding me all together. All I do, when I feel off or lost, is think about the energy of the session and of the group, and I start to feel better.”

I was reminded by Khris K. of the Hooded Sage, that when we are in conflict, we are controlled by the system of programming and control. This is the system we were born into. It does not matter what ‘side’ you are on. If you are in conflict, the system is controlling you and you are feeding it.

And that can be an inner conflict as well! Have you cut off yourself from those you love, because they seem to be on ‘the other side of things’? Can you let go and allow them whatever they are doing, thinking, being? Can you stay loving if they have hurt you? Are you angry at the fat controllers? Do you hate them? Can you even admit that hate, fear and disdain for others?

I know people who’ve been shunned by their own children, families, friends. These people are determined to open to more and more Love. They are focused on letting go of everything!! These people know deeply that if they stay in their emotional turmoil and remain a victim to others, they’ll never know that deep love, their Eternal, Immortal Self has for them. They know it’s about the HEART, and the LOVE that will fill them beyond what any other ‘person’ can do for them.

It is wonderful when our loved ones see themselves deeply and know their own shadows. It’s wonderful when they say, ‘okay, we don’t agree, but hey, we love each other don’t we? Nothing or no one can come between that.’ But as we see in the world, not many are at that consciouness level of that understanding. People are waking up to where they are at and most don’t even realize that is happening.

It doesn’t matter what point of view we take either. It’s about vibration. What is being shown to you? Who is triggering your fear, pain, victimhood? Can you simply soften and allow those feelings, without blaming or pointing fingers to that person/s, who brought that up in you? It’s all surfacing from within. Can you allow this inner redemption? Do you know how?

So where else is there to go, but into the silence, peace and love of the heart? I don’t think that means we never stand up for ourselves and say, “Enough!” I see it more as coming from a wiser, more powerful place, that is beyond the dogma, opinions and judgements of our mindset.

Things are never as they seem.

Come. Sit in a field of softness, peace, love and acceptance. Let go and let in the power, love and light of your True, Eternal Self. Expand. Sigh. Ahhh…

Love & Peace, Catherine DiPietro

Live Guided Energy Sessions!


These meditations started off to give all of us, integration time between Transmissions. Lol…they’ve turned out to be more powerful in some cases, than the transmissions. The group field is wonderful and they give us all a big lift in energy, to go about our week, grounded more and more into the Love & Light of our Big, Expanded Selves.

Deep, rejuvenating, uplifting, grounding, awakening, soul guidance. Immerse yourself in the wisdom, humour and love of your own unlimited nature!

Click on image for information and to enroll!